Announcements: The rumours are true: Sweden will soon join the game as a playable nation in World of Tanks! Swedish tanks – Gameplayinläggaug 2016Swedish tanks! Off-Topicinläggjul 2016First Swedish tank in WoT?
Archiveinläggdec 2015Fler resultat från forum. Hello everyone, Here’s a nice image of the complete Swedish Tech Tree and pictures of several Swedish tanks. Its a mediocre tank, also swedish tanks? Post-WWII the armies of middle-eastern countries have seen the bulk of tank-on-tank warfare. Swedish Patch Preview: TD Line’s Vehiclesinläggaug 2016Swedish tech tree up next?
Swedish Viking is the biggest Swedish clan in World Of Tanks!
Swedish tanks were built with Scandinavian precision. Hello, this is the official Swedish Tech Tree: As you can see, the. Can’t wait to have my hands on that S-Tank!