Category; Electronics and Digital Media; Cosmetics; Clothing and Accessories; Automotive; Bags and Luggage; Baby and Children; Books and Magazines . Racked just revealed a shopping game-changer site called Shop and Box that lets you legally get designer products for less because they’re .
Today I have a review on Shop Box who I used a few weeks ago to get my much wanted Hourglass Blush Palette to my hot little hands! Hello Junkies, As you junkies know that Sephora. So sorry for the late uploa I have been super busy! But i am here with a GIANT haul for you guys.
I really enjoyed my experience with Shop and Box, so I just had to share it with you guys!
Last Monday, my Shop and Box order arrived. If you haven’t heard of Shop and Box, it’s basically another parcel forwarding service site.